ITALY: Sannio Alifano

“Consorzio di Bonifica Sannio Alifano” (including “Consorzio di Bonifica Valle Telesina”) is located in Southern Italy, Campania Region.


Administrative area (ha): 112.996

Irrigation infrastructures (ha): 14.070

Irrigated surface (ha): 16.602 (41% of the total cultivated area)

Main irrigation water supply: river;

Catchment  areas and capacity

   1. Volturno river, Colle Torcino (1984) – 1.750 l/s

   2. Lete river (1960) – 675 l/s

   3. Volturno river, Ailano (1969) – 5.270 l/s


Water misuses and competition between sectorial water use.  

“In recent years, we were looking for additional water resources to satisfy an increased irrigation demand. We finally found new resources just managing  in a more efficient waitaly2y what we already have”


…“efficient infrastructures and irrigation methods can reduce

water volumes up to a 30%. Agriculture uses between 50%

and 70% of the   total freshwater. Therefore our role is crucial

in water saving for the   entire community”, Ing Natalizio,

Consortium General Director.