ITALY: Sannio Alifano

ITALY: Sannio Alifano

“Consorzio di Bonifica Sannio Alifano” (including “Consorzio di Bonifica Valle Telesina”) is located in Southern Italy, Campania Region.


Administrative area (ha): 112.996

Irrigation infrastructures (ha): 14.070

Irrigated surface (ha): 16.602 (41% of the total cultivated area)

Main irrigation water supply: river;

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INDIA: Harangi

INDIA: Harangi

About Cauvery and Harangi:

The Cauvery River originates at Talakaveri in Coorg District of Karnataka in Brahmagiri Range of Hills in the Western Ghats at an elevation of 1341m.

Harangi is a major tributary to Cauvery, owes its name to the village situated in its banks. The elevation varies from 5800 ft to 2690ft above MSL (joins cauvery). The command area covers three districts Coorg, Mysore and Hassan. Coorg receives abundant rainfall (400cm) where as Mysore and Hassan receives scanty rainfall (76-114cm). 

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EGYPT: Kafr el Sheikh

EGYPT: Kafr el Sheikh

Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate lies in the middle north of Nile Delta. Total area = 3466.69 km2.

Its northern coastline on the km 100= Mediterranean and bordered by Rosetta the western branch (Branch km 85 with length) of Nile.

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